Thursday, November 10, 2005

moffarfarrah 1 off casette realeases

MFFR one off cassettes will be one element of a show i am haveing at clubs involving the work of special guests: James Deutsher, KainPicken& Rob McKenzie, Jane Caught, Nick Mangan, Cove Of The Ken Can Kant, Bianca Hester, Masato Takasaka, Nick Selenitsch, Annie Wu, Mathew Griffin, Alex Vivian, Harriet Morgan and more.

The moffarfarrah cassetes will be presented at a listenning station, they have been recorded on 4track on to opshop chinese pop cassettes.
Each is an origional, haveing a track or removed and recorded on each release. Thus this cyclical release(s) changes and stays the same, making it the one track as well as many, and singular momentary releases.

November23rd-december3rd openning nov23 4-7pm @clubs project rear 211 gertrude street


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