Sunday, July 02, 2006


As a result of haveing two art shows (rm103 (auckland)enjoy(wellington), i only ended up doing two MofFarFarRah performances; Monthorah on the 6/6/06 and a performance at my openning in wellington. But they went real well.

Auckland is often refered to as the sydney, but there is definately a element of hobart too, so little anxiousness compared to melbourne, and so lush socially and nature wise. sriwhana spong's peace mantra, and dan arp's a centre for ants at art space waere almost as amazing as both of them. Saw birchville cat motel and some other great bands all in an amazing 4.4 timeing or something, a weird new zealand timeing/rythum aproach.

This fells a little like a school report so i might wrap it up, awesome peeps, places, sounds, signs, traffic lights, hedgehogs, sri, dan, gywn, dannel, nick, kate, andrew, mel, courtney, jessica, waren, adam, emma, dannel, james, everyone else, junk shops, rock sculptures, dome, flats, big pin, legal party pills, chi.

awesum! im back sept 29th for artist run artist party for Christchurch biennial.


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