Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Castle Mice from reckabite hall gig

2006/03/13 3:10pm 10min03second performance

Thanx Order&Progress, silver clouds, clubs, cuckoo, more 4/4/06 soon, plus side projects **********************************PAECES, & SLOTHoLITH raeleaces out sooon!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 16, 2006


***************************:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::))))))))))))))))))))))))))((((((((((((((((((((::::::::: /////////////////////////////////<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<:)(: <^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^> work for the troll

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

3pm///3am canceled 3/3/06 3:10 13/3/06 10minute performance

Well Addelaide was a pretty clustered afair, although i did a 33second drum solo on the table of our cabin in the addalaide caravan park, i did miss the planned 3am performance........

But then the opertunity to redeame a lose relation with time came up. A show at Order & progress presented by Clubs of work hosted by cuckoo, from the silver clouds (awesum NZ artists) (show up till friday). The openning being on the 13/3 i choose to perfom at 3:10, it seemed right. A ten minute performance of un affected voice, acoustic. welled with nerves personally it felt timeless.

>>>>>>4/4 44minute performance soon

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

:(:*new releaseses* :):

There will be a new realese by me (moth tha tha rah), in the comeing month or so. includeing matterial from degererationalClapse recordings (pile up track edition of 1 releases) remastered, but still analogue, and other fresh material. Also a compisite recording of friends kettles (tea break rmx). It will be released on new CDR label (: Sabbatical: which looks set to release some pretty sweet and intresting discs.

The name will probbaly be "Moth tha tha rah" by mof far far rah.

The other realease will be intitled "mOf hOp rAh" by Moth tha tha rah, and will be a more upbeat affair, in the vain of the hip hop jon-rah. It be realeased on the cosmic Inverted Crux.. ...In the not too distant future, watch out!!!!!!

.. [____________________/. .
< "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!">

rechabite hall gig 10/03/06

Castings}}}}}} (new castle)

Spits}}}}}}} ((NZ)Eye)

Slotholith}}}}}}}} ((melb/bohemian knightville) *BK, *Paeces, Manthrax, *Moffafarrah,*Moth Tha ThaRa, Exomiter, spores of the goldern beard, *Castle Mice, *slm dnk, 1984, *wak man, damitory, Lakes, *mc skrewdrivver, brother karamaloff, ect

Hommes}}}}}}}}} ((melb/add)Brutal Snake, White Horse(?), StAlbains Kids, bird blobs, 1984)

Snawklor}}}}}}} ((space)Food Group, Hi God People, neigh neigh solo, Fong, plus other stuff)

Casttle Mice }}}}}} ((melb/tas/bunyip/norw) Cove of the ken Can Kant, BK, Incan Twick, *see Slotholith)

(DJ) Ican Twich}}}}} (Cove of the Ken can Kant, BK, CM)

DJ mOf hOp rAh}}}}}} (*see slotholith)

$5 EVENING GIG <<<<<<<<6-10pm>>>>>>>


fri 10/03/06

Rechabite Hall (spulling may be slightly wrong) (corner of Eastman st and (?)st, Northcote, right near the Northcote town hall)